3 Harmful Ingredients In Beauty Products & Safe Alternatives
Have you ever put on a lotion or used a face wash that made your skin burn? Or a hair product made your hair dry and brittle even though...

Three natural supplements for depression and anxiety For people struggling with depression and anxiety, whether it be seasonal affective...

Whey Protein
Whey protein is the cornerstone of the diet for any fitness enthusiast and athlete. Whey protein not only provides a good source of...

Magnesium is an essential mineral that the human body needs in order to remain in good health. It helps our body produce nucleic acids...

Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been around for thousands and thousands of years. Originating in Ancient China, dispersed...

Battle Colds This Year With Essential Oils
Winter is coming. And with it, cold season. It can be difficult to stay healthy when temperatures drop, winds blow, and the holiday...

How Stress Can Hurt The Body
Stress can take an emotion, physical, and mental toll on anyone. Some people respond to stress differently. Some can take it in stride...

Health Benefits of Yoga
The benefits of Yoga continue to amaze all health enthusiast. These include weight loss, increased flexibility, and better cardiovascular...

The Naturally Clean Home: The Kitchen
For many, eating healthy and having a refrigerator and pantry stocked with organic foods is enough to make us feel we are leading our...

Vitamin D: Your Daily Sunshine
Sunshine everyday may keep the doctor away. Vitamin D, A.K.A the Sunshine vitamin, is a literally a vitamin you get from sunlight. It is...