Benefits of Sea Moss
By Lauren Tabacchini
It is common knowledge that the body needs certain vitamins and minerals to function at its best. While most people are aware of this, many do not give the body the essential nutrients needed for their body to function properly. One’s diet is a common reason for this overall lack of nutrients many experiences, especially in America where a majority of the food offered is unhealthy and highly processed. While there are vitamins people can take over the counter in an attempt to gain additional minerals, there is not a supplement that gives the body all of the nutrients necessary to function in an optimal manner, not even the one-a-day gummy vitamins that claim to do so. Luckily, people have been turning to holistic remedies in an attempt to correct this issue, and sea moss has quickly gained popularity for the amount of nutrients and minerals in a single tablespoon.
What sea moss is, is exactly what it sounds like, moss that grows in the ocean. While most people think that sea moss is a type of seaweed, it is not. To be more technical, sea moss is actually a type of algae- a red algae- and is commonly known as Irish moss. Sea moss is not a new discovery by any means, in some cases it has been used to thicken milk during production.
Backtracking to the benefits of sea moss, it is important to note that sea moss is newer in its popularity so it is not yet FDA approved. However, just because something is not FDA approved, does not mean that it does not work effectively. The human body is made up of 102 minerals, and sea moss is understood to contain 92 of them. When one’s body is getting the nutrients it needs, it promotes a happier, healthier individual.
To be specific, according to the Cleveland Clinic, the benefits of sea moss include that the fiber content in it is higher than many vegetables, making sea moss very heart healthy. Also due to the high fiber content, sea moss can promote weight loss. Sea moss is also an adequate source of iodine, and can aid in boosting one’s immune system. Gut health is incredibly important in a healthy individual and sea moss aids in replenishing the good bacteria in one’s gut. Finally, sea moss can be of benefit for those who enjoy exercise as it aids in muscle growth and recovery due to the amino acid taurine.
Despite the benefits of sea moss, to be fully transparent it is necessary that one realize that too much of a good thing is never good. If one eats too much sea moss, they will be at the risk of overconsuming iodine. Additionally, there are heavy metals in sea moss that are not harmful in small amounts but ingesting too much is not a great idea. The last thing one should be cautious about regarding sea moss is if one had hyperthyroid or hypothyroid, in this case one needs to consult a physician before investing and ingesting this substance.
Sea moss is a super nutrient because it has 92 of the 102 minerals that are found in the human body. Ingesting it in small amounts is very beneficial for one's body in a variety of ways. If you are interested in starting your journey with sea moss, make sure you buy from a reputable location and to be safe, consult your physician prior to doing so.