Healing from the Inside Out

When we look at our skin, we see a covering for the body, not a dynamic organ. Today, not many people truly understand the exact cause of the different flare-ups we find upon our skin. Most of us merely put on acne skin care products as a quick-fix to prevent these breakouts from popping up and causing the all too familiar discomfort, lack of confidence, skin damage, and scaring most skin conditions cause.
In 2016, the global acne treatment market was worth some 4.9 billion dollars. These products boast the minimization of pores, fewer blackheads, and clearer skin in one use. Unfortunately, many of these products we purchase to care for our skin contain harsh chemicals and harmful ingredients, stripping our skin of its healthy properties and damaging it further. With all of the marketing that goes into skin care, it is not difficult to understand why people drift towards the skincare aisle instead of the vitamins, minerals and produce isles. We have it all wrong, the skin is an organ that miraculously shows itself from the inside out, proving skin care must begin from the inside, according, to Ben Fuchs pharmacist and founder of Truth Treatment Skin Care.
As the largest organ and fastest-growing part of the human body, our skin is a tremendous tool that can help us understand what is truly going on within our bodies. Our skin tells a story, and Ben Fuchs says the problem appearing on your skin can help you more than those who are only affected internally. These flare-ups, if read correctly, give you a point of control, which scientists now know how to solve in healthy, natural ways without having to purchase another sensationalized skin care product at your local chain.
To begin this healing process from the inside out, you must first understand the type of skin you have, where you skin blemishes occur, and what different types of acne you may have. Once you have that figured out, you can then treat them accordingly through nutrition and supplements.
When deciphering your skins condition, you are either dealing with rapidly dividing cells, trapped oil or bacteria. To an untrained eye this simply means your black and whiteheads are caused by rapidly dividing cells and trapped oils, while full-blown acne is caused when bacteria is added to the mix.
At the highest level, there are two distinct types of acne, and each must be treated differently. The first is T-zone acne caused by rapidly dividing cells due to nutritional deficiencies in fatty vitamins. To solve this, focus on essential fatty acids and fatty vitamins like Vitamin A and D, Aloe Vera, Omega 3 and 6, primrose oil, as well as Zinc - one of the most common vitamin deficiencies.
The second type of acne is not caused by the cells dividing rapidly; it is caused by an inflammatory immune response to increased blood toxicity from food intolerances, poor food choices or a digestive system condition. These toxins in the blood leak out into our skin tissues, triggering a defensive response, causing a rash or bumpy appearance to the skin, commonly found on the cheeks and along the jawline. The solution is under the surface: eat less sugar, find what probiotics work for you, eat more fiber, try apple cider vinegar with warm water and lemon, drink at least two liters of water per day, and eliminate problem foods for your body.
If you have skin issues, work to determine what foods are right for you. For those who are unable to get a blood test, logging is the next best option. See how you feel at the end of each day as you begin to change your diet; how does your skin feel, how does your digestive system work with those food choices? Take notes. A food diary, although tedious at times, can help tremendously in getting in touch with your body and skin issues by recognizing patterns to connect cause and effect.
Taking care of your body on the inside is the first step towards healthier and happier skin. Understand your skin type, and treat it accordingly by healing your skin issues from the inside out with healthy foods, vitamins and minerals, seven hours of sleep, two liters of water a day, and some form of exercise three times a week. Once you have tackled what is going on, on the inside, you can then move on to using cleansers, toners, retinol, creams, serums, and sunscreen to help keep your skin at that level for longer. It is never too early to take care of your body or to start treating your skin. So, get started, what are you waiting for?!
Disclaimer: Supplementing is tricky because we weren’t born to supplement. We wish we did not have to, but today supplementing is necessary to balance out our deficiencies. Make sure you understand your body and its needs before following the provided dosage amount on the bottle while supplementing.