Beauty that is Better for the Environment
By Lauren Tabacchini

The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar business. With products ranging from men to women, older individuals to younger individuals, and everyone in between, many people are consumers of this industry from their early teenage years for the rest of their lives. There is something that the beauty industry does not tell its consumers, that the ingredients in many products are either animal tested, bad for the environment, or do not have healthy long-term effects for the individual using them. Throughout the duration of this article, standard beauty products will be discussed following a suggestion of a beauty product that works the same but is better for both the individual using it and the environment.
Before we dive into examples and solutions, it is important to be aware of what makes a product eco-friendly. According to, a webpage that is dedicated to the wholesale and retail sale of environmentally friendly products in addition to the explanation and education on what constitutes an environmentally friendly product, an eco-friendly product is a product that is made of natural ingredients, something that can be used for a long duration of time, an item in which there is no pollution created in the process of manufacturing it, that is reusable, handmade, and many more. Many of the suggested items to replace non-eco-friendly products will be found on this webpage and it is a great resource to check out if one plans on making the switch to products that are both better for themselves and the environment as well.
Everyone uses deodorant- or at least one would hope so as it is fairly obvious when one does not. While some deodorants are used simply to combat odor, others that are filled with antiperspirants sell the promise of not only keeping one fresh but preventing their sweating as much as possible. Not only will the plastic from these products stick around polluting the earth for thousands of years to come, but the ingredients in antiperspirant deodorants have been linked to aluminum buildup in breast tissue, bone disease, dementia, and should especially not be used by individuals with weakened kidneys.
Luckily there is an eco-friendly alternative to deodorants that is both better for the environment and for the individual using it. Biola Organic Jasmine cream deodorant is a natural deodorant that is alcohol and aluminum-free, does not contain any GMO-s, parabens, or preservatives, and comes in environmentally friendly recyclable packaging and costs roughly the same as an average deodorant. This product, as well as many other eco-friendly deodorants, can be found on the web page discussed prior.
Many shampoos not only do not do what they promised in their advertising, but they can also actually cause hair loss and dry scalps with the chemicals that are used in them. Additionally, the plastics used to contain shampoo and hair care products are not often recyclable causing a buildup in landfills that will not disappear.
Fortunately, there is a brand of shampoo that is not only vegan and cruelty-free, recyclable, and also meets the COSMOS ORGANIC standard requirements. This brand is Dr. Konopka’s. Dr. Konopka’s hair care has a variety of shampoos to work with anyone's hair. From anti-dandruff to volumizing shampoos, Dr. Konopka’s hair care has a shampoo for whatever your hair needs. And after you finish the product you can recycle the bottle.
The makeup portion of the beauty industry is filled with many single-use products that need replacement after only a few weeks to a few months. What this means is that an impressive amount of beauty products in landfills consist of makeup. The chemicals used in mascara specifically can be so strong that they cause irritation to one's eyes and are simply not suitable for more sensitive skin types.
BoHo comments saw this issue and created a mascara that is better for individuals and the environment. Their volume and green mascara is made of strictly organic ingredients and the packaging is even produced using previously recycled cardboard and plastic. Because this brand does not have any synthetic fragrances or additives, it is far more suitable for those with sensitive skin and eyes and much better for the environment than traditional mascaras.
Although the beauty industry is not vocal about products that are better for individuals and the environment alike, they do exist. These products will make the earth and individuals happier and healthier. Next time you need a new shampoo, try a brand that is better for the environment and you and see the change being eco-friendly can make.