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Benefits of Indoor Plants

You don’t have to have a green thumb in order to enjoy some plants in your home. Indoor plants are a perfect edition to anyone’s household. These small potted plants can range from various cacti and succulents, to flowers. Besides being a great decoration item, there are many benefits to keeping a plant in your home.

There are obvious positive factors to having a plant around you indoors. Plants produce oxygen when going through the process of photosynthesis. As the plants are producing oxygen they are using the carbon dioxide that we, as humans, are creating through our breathing process. Not only are the plants creating oxygen for us to breathe in, but they are also cleaning the air of carbon dioxide. As a part of the photosynthetic process, the plants also release water into the air. The water being released into the air by the plant creates moisture and humidity. If multiple plants are placed together the amount of oxygen and moisture in the air is higher. This makes the air healthier for those suffering from respiratory problems. Indoor plants can reduce dust and pollutant levels as well as keep air temperatures down.

If houseplants can make healthier air for easing respiratory issues, there must be other benefits to indoor plants besides that. Plants have the ability to absorb noise. Their leaves reduce the background noise off hard services within a living space. Along with reducing your auditory stress, indoor plants can also reduce your physical stress levels. Indoor plants can help to reduce blood pressure, reduce cortisol levels, lower the amount of fatigue and lethargy felt, etc. It is believed that plants actually reduce the healing time process of illness. Plants can improve your mental health as well. With adding to lowering stress levels, indoor plants help increase our sense of security and relaxation. This in turn, helps with levels of depression and loneliness as well.

Plants are a natural remedy for multiple issues, their natural abilities are what make them an amazing addition to your life. It is important to remember to keep them watered and have them given sunlight. However, too much or too little of either could be detrimental to the plant. Plants are delicate creatures that need different amounts of water and sunlight depending on their species and size. Indoor plants are natural decorations that smell natural too. Their scents can promote tranquility as well. At night, an indoor plant’s smell can also promote peaceful, stress-free sleep.

Many scientific studies have been conducted on the positive effects of indoor plants on people. There have so far been zero negative effects of having indoor plants. Studies show that indoor plants can add to productivity as well as memory retention. Not only that, but hospital patients also show positive signs of healing, with the presence of indoor plants. Wherever the plant may be; your room, kitchen, classroom, office, or hospital room, indoor plants have many positive health benefits. These benefits are apparent to any indoor plant owner who has benefitted from more than just their houseplant’s appearance.

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