Battle Colds This Year With Essential Oils

Winter is coming. And with it, cold season. It can be difficult to stay healthy when temperatures drop, winds blow, and the holiday season stress starts to set in. In times like these, it’s important to take care of our bodies and make sure our internal firewalls are as strong as they can be. Using essential oils is a natural and safe way to build our immune systems before we get sick or battle that cold away when the time comes.
There is a science to essential oils, and when used daily, they can have not only the same but longer lasting effects than over-the-counter medicine. In our noses, our olfactory nerve is directly connected to our brain’s limbic system which is our emotional storehouse.
What does this mean? What we smell is directly linked to our emotions! The way we feel, mentally, and emotionally contributes to our overall well-being. By inhaling essential oils and using them on our bodies, we have the ability to reprogram our cellular memory and live healthier lives without relying on drug-heavy over the counter drugs for relief.
Take Pseudoephedrine for example. This over-the-counter decongestant shrinks dilated blood vessels in the nasal passages (, clearing the passageways for as long as the drug is in your system. However, this drug also has the ability to cause dizziness, contribute to high blood pressure, and is not recommended to take while pregnant or give to children under age four (
Why are we poisoning our bodies? Scientific studies like this one and this one show that eucalyptus has similar effects on our bodies as over-the-counter decongestants do. Eucalyptus contains Cineole which is used as a mucolytic agent, expectorant and antiseptic (toxnet). These qualities of eucalyptus help thin mucous and expel it from our bodies rather than temporarily suppressing the inflammation in our cells.
Additionally, eucalyptus does not have any of the side effects that drug-heavy over-the-counter drugs have.

Essential oils are an excellent alternative to consider using during these winter months. According to studies like this one eucalyptus can be safely used for respiratory anti-inflammation by both children and pregnant women. This year consider pouring love and care into your bodies instead of harsh drugs and chemicals. YOUR COLD SEASON SURVIVAL KIT All of these oils are safe to be used while pregnant according to a study done by Merrion Fetal Health. DISCLAIMER: Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA.
BERGAMOT Bergamot acts as a stimulant that will help you feel energized on those groggy winter days when you feel drained. In addition, it has anti-depressant qualities which is a bonus for those days when the decrease in sunlight starts to affect your mood. Bergamot also has the power to relieve muscle aches and stress levels.
CHAMOMILE Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it can be used to reduce inflammation in the respiratory and gastro-intestinal systems. For stuffiness, put a few drops of chamomile oil in a diffuser and inhale. For stomach pain, a few drops in tea or warm water will do the trick.
FRANKINCENSE Frankincense is excellent for immune support. Take it when you feel a cold coming on to build up defenses. It is also a great soothing agent for the mind and body. It can be diffused to act as a sleep aid for restless nights or ingested for an upset stomach.
LAVENDER Lavender is a tried and true calming aid. Whether applied on your skin, ingested in a cup of tea or inhaled with a diffuser, it is excellent to use during cold season as a sleep aid or anxiety reducer. What’s more, lavender promotes cell renewal and will help get your body back to premium functioning. Rub oil on the bottoms of your feet for quick, soothing relief.