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How Stress Can Hurt The Body


Stress can take an emotion, physical, and mental toll on anyone. Some people respond to stress differently. Some can take it in stride and just roll with it. Others react negatively and have trouble dealing with stress. This article will detail how stress impacts the body, the symptoms of stress, cognitive symptoms of stress, and ways of dealing with stress. Therefore, patients can have a better understanding of stress and what you can do about it to minimize the impacts of stress. Stress has been shown to have the ability to impact nearly every aspect of a person’s life. Most diseases are exposures rarely have this power.

How chronic stress impacts the body

Chronic stress can impact nearly every part of your body and every organ system. It can weaken your immune system, increase your risk for heart disease, increase your risk for depression, anxiety, and speed up the aging process. Stress has been shown to have a greater impact on the body as people age as well. Many stress events occur as people age as well. These include retirement, going into a nursing home, death of spouse, death of children, running out of retirement funds. Bad health problems can also be a source of stress as well. Bad health problems can not only impact your daily life and longevity, can be a financial strain as well. Stress can only compound these problems as we age. Making the situation worst.

Symptoms of stress

Stress can manifest itself in various ways including mental and physical pain. This can impact various parts of your life including work, school, and family life. Some may experience pain due to stress and may have trouble digesting food. Others may feel emotionally strained. You may feel overwhelmed. Some tend to isolate when they are stressed. Some may eat more, some may eat less. It depends on the person. There is a spectrum of responses to pain. Physical pain is not uncommon. Aches and pain that radiate through the body have been reported by some patients. Men and women have also been shown to very on their symptoms of stress and help it manifests.

Cognitive Symptoms of stress

One of the worst aspects of stress that is often ignored is how it impacts cognitive function. Stress can give people memory loss, give them poor judgment. There can be behavioral changes as a result of stress too. These include, but are not limited to, changes in appetite, propensity to use alcohol. This can lead to substance abuse and weight gain for some people. Substance abuse has been associated with many other health problems. And for

Ways of dealing with stress

I personally have found that exercise is the best way to deal with stress. Exercise releases endorphins and helps you stay physically fit. This can improve how you respond to stress and can reduce some of the negative side effects of stress. Some people may cope with stress by doing Yoga or listening to music.


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