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Natural Pet Remedies: Essential Oils and CBD

Lauren Tabacchini

Essential oils have been growing in popularity exponentially over the past decade. People are seeking more natural alternatives for their bodily needs. What users of essential oils want to watch out for is pet safety. While there are many oils that are great for humans, the vast majority are unsafe for pets. With this being said, essential oils and other natural alternatives to pet medicines exist, and they are much more holistic than those prescribed by a veterinarian.

Pets have sensitive stomachs. They cannot eat the same as humans do, so they are fed different foods. This is not to say that mistakes do not happen. Sometimes they may get into foods that are not designed for them. If your furry friend accidentally ate something they should not have and is experiencing stomach problems, there is a natural solution that comes in the form of essential oil, Chamomile oil.

Chamomile oil has many benefits for pets, specifically with issues that young pets face. Young dogs and cats are prone to having upset stomachs. This is due to new environments and the curiosity that young animals have. Similar to a baby, young dogs and cats put everything they can find in their mouths. Because chamomile is considered a “light” essential oil, it is able to help ease stomach issues without causing symptoms of toxicity, like heavier essential oils, would produce.

Animals can hear higher frequencies of sounds than humans can, which explains why when it comes to loud noises such as sirens, fireworks, and car alarms that they can get frightened. There is an essential oil that works well with calming anxiety produced by these noises; it is Marjoram. Marjoram is known to calm emotional distress and encourage a sense of tranquility.

Animals, just like humans, age. It is a hard sight to see what used to be your high-energy puppy become a low-energy elderly dog. With aging comes joint discomfort; Ginger and Frankincense are known in the essential oil community to ease joint pain and make your older pets more comfortable.

Not only do essential oils have multiple benefits for animals, Cannabidiol- commonly referred to as CBD- is an additional natural medicine for animals. CBD is frequently confused with marijuana. Although the plants do have similar structures, CBD is not a psychoactive substance- meaning your pet will not get high from using it. Instead, they will be overcome with a sense of comfort and tranquility.

If your pet suffers from seizures, anxiety, depression, or arthritis and you do not seek to find relief in the form of a pill, CBD is the correct medicine for your furry friend. CBD has been made into a variety of products to benefit animals. From peppered bacon-flavored treats, sticks of infused honey, and cookies shaped like bones that are frosted and decorated, there is sure to be a CBD product that you and your pet will both love.

Not any two pets are the same. It is recommended that before applying essential oils to your furry friend that you consult with a veterinarian. It is important to note that although some essential oils can help pets with various needs, contact a veterinarian if physical symptoms worsen or if pets are showing signs of an allergic reaction.

It is vital to be proud of what we put into our pets' bodies as much as it is vital to be proud of what we put in our own. Natural medicine was around centuries before pharmaceutical companies took charge of the present-day form of medicine. Stick to the basics, use natural remedies such as essential oils and CBD products for your pet. Nature is medicine.



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