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The Benefits of Renting Black-Tie Attire

Have you ever gone to a special event and bought an outfit just for that event? Whether it was a wedding, prom, family holiday, or a special night out, you probably needed to buy an outfit just for the event. But when was the last time you wore the outfit that you wore to that specific event? Chances are you haven’t worn it a second time out in fear of being an outfit repeater. Most people only wear an outfit once when going to a special event and yet spend between hundreds and thousands of dollars on the clothing. This clothing can easily be reused and redistributed to others who may not have cash to burn on expensive event clothing.

Donating your black-tie attire to places that rent out the clothing at a lower cost is beneficial to the buyers reusing the apparel. Renting black-tie attire is a personal decision that has you weigh multiple factors. To start, decide whether your budget allows for you to buy a brand-new suit or dress, or if you need a more economical solution. Renting allows customers to get the high-quality apparel that they are wanting, for a lower cost. Another thing to consider when renting is whether you will hold any sentimental value with the clothing. Usually events that require clothing of high enough quality to rent is a memorable moment in a person’s life. Many people would like to buy their tuxedos and wedding dresses to keep as sentimental memorabilia of the event. However, that clothing will most likely be remembered in the back of your closet.

If you must buy your event attire, consider donating it to a company who rents out the apparel to others who can’t potentially afford to buy full price party apparel. Renters are usually low-income, who don’t plan on using this type of clothing long-term. Renters usually see the benefits in buying the same caliber of clothing as someone who would pay full-price, but they are only the owner for a single night. The ownership of a single night brings down the cost dramatically. The simple difference between renting and owning black-tie attire is the longevity of the product. If, as a consumer, you intend on continuously wearing that party apparel, then buying the clothing is a smarter option in the long run. But if the outfit is for a one-time occasion such as a wedding or a prom, then the buyer will most likely not wearing the clothing again. Why pay full-price for an outfit you will wear to a single event? That is where renting the apparel becomes the more economical choice. Consumers who know they are attending a one-time event would be smart to rent their apparel.

The cost effectiveness of renting party apparel is the number one selling point of the reusable cycle. However, the environment and local economy benefit from renters who continue the cycle of business, and reuse of clothing, that would otherwise be considered a one-time wear.

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