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Organic Pet Products

We all have a special furry friend in our lives that we love and want to treat with as much love and kindness as we do ourselves. But do we consider the nutrients and value of the ingredients in the bagged food that we buy for our pets and feed them daily? To properly care for your pet there are a variety of organic products that can provide a natural and healthy balanced life.

For eye, ear and mouth care, gums, coughing, sneezing, breathing, aches, discomfort, joint and muscle, all natural immune support, emotional balance and wellness, urinary health and kidney relief, flea and tick prevention, digestive health, skin, coat, allergies, and worm and parasites treatment, there are natural botanicals formulated by herbal scientists creating a blend of Organic and Wildcrafted Herbal Extracts for your pet’s health. These botanical blends come with extracts from a wide variety of spices, roots, leaves, nuts, and herbs, including but not limited to; extracts of Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood, Cloves, Quassia, Rue, Garlic, Oregon Grape Root, Skullcap, Valerian, Chamomile, Passion Flower, Ginkgo, Lemon Balm, Mullein Leaf, Coltsfoot Leaf, Elecampane Root, Lobelia, Echinacea, Myrrh, Licorice Root, Osha, Usnea, and Goldenrod. These organic herbal extracts usually hold inactive ingredients such as alcohol, flower essence blends, and glycerine.

There are natural herbal remedies ranging from pills and ointments to treats, that can supplement your pets diet, such as; antioxidants, multi-vitamins, digestive enzymes, nutraceuticals, and probiotics. Holistic treatment types can vary from homeopathic, nutraceutical, herbal formulas, and Chinese herbs. Many pet product companies have earned their National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Quality Seal. NASC is a non-profit dedicated to enhancing and protecting the health of pets within the United States. Members who earn the NASC Quality Seal must complete a facility audit which means they are required to comply with four criteria. The product company much have a Quality Control Manual that provides Standard Operating Procedures of product process control. This withholds the consistency of the quality of the product. Second, the company needs an Adverse Event Reporting and Compliant System to evaluate products’ ingredients. The company also needs to follow Label Guidelines for all products. Finally, the company needs to include specific Warning and Caution Statements for ingredients particularly recommended by the NASC Scientific Advisory Committee and the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine. NASC’s goal is to improve the quality and minimize risk of potentially harmful ingredients in pet products.

Some examples of well-known Eco-friendly and organic pet products are; Castle Bath, an organic natural pet care for grooming, Best Bully Sticks, 12-inch dog chews, Dapper Dog Box, grain-free dog treats, Wysong, pet shampoo, PetzLife, natural dental dog treats, TruDog, raw dog food, FlexPet, all natural joint supplements for dogs, King Kanine, pesticide free dog cookies, Canna Pet, hemp-derived pet supplements, and JustNatural Skin Care, all-natural oatmeal cleanser shampoo. Clearly, there is no shortage in the amount or type of organic and even eco-friendly supplements and food that you can give your pet for them to receive the healthiest and happiest life.

With many Eco-friendly and organic options on the market, there should be no reason why you should turn back to feeding your pet non-organic products. Your pet’s health comes down to the decision you make when you buy them products. Think twice before going for the most obvious option when natural, herbal, and safer remedies could be used to your advantage. Give your pet the best life possible, and look for NASC’s Quality Seal the next time you buy your pet a product.

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