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CBD Hemp Oil – CBD Made From Hemp

Cannabis oil conclusion. CBD hemp oil is the medical cannabis extract obtain from cannabis strains like Hemp (Cannabis Sativa, Strain Felina 34, Fedora 19, Ferimon 12) that are CBD-rich and have very low content of THC.

It is a non-psychoactive product and it brings benefits by being ingested. By using special cannabis strains for CBD oil, a product that contains high quantities of cannabidiol is produced, together with various minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, fatty acids, and terpenes.

CBD Hemp Oil as alternative treatment & supplement

Besides being used as an alternative treatment for a wide variety of health problems, CBD hemp oil is also used as a supplement, to improve functions like appetite, sleep, mood, hormone imbalances, pain, and get a better response from the immune system.

Because Cannabis was now being researched to find out about its numerous healing properties. While certain strains of Cannabis was still being grown for THC, a whole new division of the Cannabis industry began to emerge.

These researchers has discovered something completely new about Cannabis. While THC still made up the highest percentage of the inherent chemicals within the Cannabis plant, CBD now emerged as the second most abundant chemical in Cannabis. And research was uncovering a vast multitude of good qualities about CBD.

Although current results of medical and scientific studies show promising results, the studies and market that involves CBD products is still in its infancy stages. Scientific and medical studies began only recently and there are many things that need to be learned about CBD.

There is also a lack of high-quality trials and studies on humans, to determine the precise action of CBD when it comes to various health conditions.

But, the positive feedback from people that suffer from all sorts of illnesses and began using CBD products may boost research in this particular sector in the near future.

Unfortunately, not many of these studies were done using human subjects; therefore most of the evidence came from tests that were done using animals as subjects.

The pharmaceutical industry is also interested in synthetic CBD

A pharmaceutical version of CBD was recently developed in the UK. The company responsible, GW Pharmaceuticals, is currently funding clinical trials on CBD as a treatment for schizophrenia and certain types of epilepsy.

A team of researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center, led by Dr. Sean McAllister, has indicated that they hope to begin trials on CBD as a breast cancer therapy.

Another great plus point is the fact that CBD seems to naturally protect users against the marijuana “high”. Various studies were done, suggesting that CBD reduces THC’s intoxicating effect. This includes memory impairment and paranoia.

CBD also counteracts THC’s effect of sleepiness, which may be the reason why some users appear more alert while using Cannabis.

Both of the high percentage cannabinoids in Cannabis, CBD and THC, were found to have no risk of lethal overdose. However, CBD-rich Cannabis may be the better option for reducing potential side effects.

Major Facts about CBD hemp oil

Cannabidiol is the main ingredient of CBD hemp oil.

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound and will not make you high.

It combats the psychoactive and negative effects of THC.

CBD extracted from hemp is legal, as hemp does not mean marijuana.

It helps with the treatment of a variety of health conditions.

You don’t need a prescription to get CBD hemp oil.

It protects the mind, fighting against depression and anxiety.

It aid in cancer treatment by not allowing cancer cells to spread.

It alleviates epileptic seizures in children and improves their life quality.

The levels of cannabinoids may vary from one plant to another, so it is worth checking the provenience and content of cannabinoids of the CBD products you are about to purchase.

The medicinal applications of CBD are wide. CBD is current being used for relaxation, diabetes, seizures and even cancer.

The main objection used when you recommend CBD for whatever purpose, is that it is derived from marijuana. But that objection is actually not valid. Since the use of CBD is well known to counteract the negative impacts created by THC.

As mentioned before, CBD is legal in most parts of the world. There are factions of society that are trying their level best to get CBD declared a “controlled substance. But each time in the past that they have tried this they did not succeed. They will also not succeed anytime soon.

Cannabis does not mean Marijuana

hemp terpenes Cannabis does not mean marijuana, because they are not one and the same thing. Cannabinoids can be found and extracted from industrial hemp (Cannabis Sativa, Strain Felina 34, Fedora 19, Ferimon 12), which contains almost no THC but all other Cannabinoids, making it legal for human consumption even in the states where marijuana is illegal.

On the other hand, cannabinoids extracted from marijuana can contain various levels of THC, making products with cannabinoids content be considered illegal in some states.

So, verify the origin of the CBD product you wish to purchase, to make sure it comes from hemp and not from marijuana. Just do have in mind that even medical marijuana contains a certain amount of THC.

Merchants in CBD Hemp Oil are therefore not to be considered to be “marijuana dealers” of any kind. Remember that CBD oil does not only contain cannabidiol as its sole ingredient. There are a number of other phyto-cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, CBC which are also included in the package.

Along with these, a number of different amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins are also an important constituent of CBD oil.

CBD hemp oil provides a wide range of medical benefits, without producing the “high” effect of cannabis used for recreational purposes. CBD does not have any psychoactive effects, so it can be used safely by everyone, including children.

Although it does produce relaxation, of both the mind and body, a person using CBD hemp oil will remain active from a cognitive point of view. Being able to focus on his or her daily tasks without any alterations in behavior or way of thinking.

In fact, research has shown that CBD can actually counteract the psychoactive properties of THC.

The fact that CBD-rich cannabis does not have the psychoactive tendency of THC-rich cannabis, makes this an ideal option for people seeking relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions, without the patients having to be concerned about upsetting sensations such as lethargy or dysphoria.

CBD is also abundantly available in common marijuana varieties. And we can state with safety and accuracy that CBD, the Hemp or Cannabis ingredient that is being scientifically investigated, happens to be the most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis that is not psychoactive either.

We also have to mention CBD oil is essentially the cannabis oil that may be derived from the industrial hemp or the common marijuana. The CBD oil contains a high amount of cannabidiol contained within it.

Long story short, CBD is now available as CBD Hemp Oil, and is used as a medicine for various purposes, and as a food supplement. Even THC has medically become available in a large part of the world in the guise of Medical Marijuana.

What is CBD: Conclusion

We have many things we still have to discover about CBD, especially the way this natural chemical compound manages to interact with the human organism, but the start looks great and the future looks promising.

No one can deny the fact that CBD produced significant positive changes in the lives of so many people that are suffering from various severe illnesses, without the risk of developing unwanted side-effects.

The medical benefits of CBD can become the next major discovery of both the scientific and medical world, once more studies unroll and researchers manage to learn more about this amazing compound that occurs naturally in a plant and its actions on our health and well-being.

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For More Info Contact:

Nelcia Salmon

Weight & Wellness Inc

Natural Herbs & Alternative Medicines

6244 West Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33313

954-861-7272 or 954-530-5363

References – Published by:

The Hemp Oil Benefits

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