What is CBD: Myths and Facts

There’s a lot of confusion about what CBD is and where it comes from. So we’d like to dispel some of those myths.
There are quite a view people that assume that CBD oil contains only CBD. Due to the extraction method (Co2, Alcohol etc.) it contains other cannabinoids like CBD, CBDa, CBN, CBC, terpenes and flavonoids to get the full entourage effect.
So CBD is extracted from industrial hemp right?
Well, it can be but it’s not the only source. CBD oil can be made from both industrial hemp and other CBD containing Cannabis Strains (Marihuana), as they are both the cannabis plant.
Is CO2 extraction the only way to make CBD?
CBD oil can be made using any extraction method. Co2 extraction is the best since it preserves the terpenes and flavonoids. However it does require expensive laboratory equipment.
Is it true that industrial hemp has low THC? Yes, this is generally the case. Industrial hemp is defined as having less than 0.3 percent THC.
However, when the extract is concentrated, these THC levels can increase above the 0.3% level. But without a lab test on the final product you really have no idea.
Many people have heard that CBD is good for epilepsy
It’s true, there is some anecdotal evidence that CBD may be an effective treatment for epilepsy, but it also has antiproliferative properties, which means it could stop cancer cells from spreading. Research is underway to support this using human trials.
CBD oil is legal everywhere in the world right?
Not quite, while hemp base CBD is legal in most places, CBD oil is not legal in every country. Especially if it’s derived from high THC cannabis plants. Check your local laws to find out.
Is CBD oil just a single molecule extract?
Some oils are but if you want to enjoy a whole plant extract try our full spectrum CBD extract with over 400 active molecules. Made using supercritical co2 for legal reasons it contains virtually no THC but you do get the whole plant goodness.
The CBD Movement & Charlotte’s web cbd
charlotte figi. Very many years passed until CBD was discovered to help patients that suffer from severe conditions, from very early ages, such as the Dravet syndrome.
A young girl, by her name Charlotte Figi, was born a healthy baby, but lost her smile and the ability to communicate before she reached the age of 5. The Dravet syndrome is a very rare and severe form of epilepsy, affecting 1 out of 30,000 babies in the entire world.
Again, the illness does not manifest right from the start, the first part of a child’s life appearing relatively normal. But, in a few months, the development of the child starts to severely deteriorate.
So, under the desperate eyes of her parents, Charlotte started having intense seizures. These seizures can affect babies are young as 3 months old, triggering lost of conscience and convulsions that can last for hours.
For years the Figi’s spent their time doing their best to take care of their daughter and rushing to the ER room each time she had a seizure.
The fight of the parents for their child
Her parents became desperate, facing numerous complications, trying all sorts of experimental drugs in the hope that they will make a change, and hearing numerous doctors say that they hit the end of the line, with no hope for improvement.
The decision they made, concerning the treatment of Charlotte, was about to start a large social movement and open doors to other children that were suffering from various epilepsy forms.
The Figi’s decided to use CBD in the treatment of their daughter, managing to keep the symptoms of Dravet syndrome under control and redeeming their daughter’s life back.
Today, CBD produces amazing results among numerous children that have their lives affected by epilepsy.
Related Article:
Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil – What it is about
The focus on THC neglects CBD
charlotte's web strainIt wasn’t easy for the Figi’s to find cannabis that was not psychoactive, because, since the 1980s, the main purpose of cannabis growers was to obtain cannabis that was highly potent and psychoactive.
No one even bothered looking at the medical benefits of non-psychoactive CBD. Growers focused on the THC content when creating cannabis hybrids, which made CBD experiments a mission impossible.
Even today it is highly common to find cannabis products in dispensaries that have a THC content of 20%, in comparison with the THC content that was found in the 70s, of only 6 to 8%.
This shows that the demand for psychoactive cannabis increased over the past decades and cannabis growers did their best to satisfy it.
But, after long searches, the Figi’s found one family in Colorado that was able to provide the precise type of cannabis that they were looking for.
CBD long neglected but the focus is shifting
The Stanley Brothers did what the rest didn’t and that was to develop a cannabis strain that was rich in CBD and have low levels of THC.
The psychoactive effects of such a strain are minimal or lack completely, because the CBD content erases the action of THC on the human brain.
Many reports showed that CBD has the power of calming excitability without making a person suffer from cognitive disorders. Before having CBD oil on a daily basis, Charlotte suffered a severe seizure at every 15 minutes, which caused violent muscle contractions and loss of conscience.
This means about 300 seizures per week. Once CBD oil was part of her daily habits, the seizures were completely gone for a whole week and the Figi’s could not believe it.
The life of young Charlotte improved considerable and she made a lot of progresses since them, due to her treatment with CBD oil.
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Weight & Wellness Inc
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References – Published by:
The Hemp Oil Benefits