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What are the health benefits of CBD?


The recent studies concerning the health benefits of CBD discovered a wide range of medical applications of CBD.

Because it wasn’t properly understood and its effects well known, the laws of so many states banned a plant that could become the next breakthrough in modern medicine.

It is true that studies on CBD are very difficult and complex, because this compound interacts with the human organism in so many ways at once.

So it is hard to determine the precise action of CBD on a certain health condition. Still, the people that used it as an alternative treatment stated that they felt immediate improvements and alleviation of symptoms that in many cases alter the quality of life.

CBD has a wide range of medical benefits. And although CBD does not act on the same pathways as THC, it does have many of the same medical qualities as THC.

It seems that CBD can aid in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, lupus, nicotine addiction, motor disorders, Parkinson’s disease, chronic and neuropathic pain, obsessive compulsive disorder, osteoporosis, various pediatric conditions and many more.

Antiemetic, anticonvulsant & anti-inflammatory properties

A review published in 2013 states that studies have found that CBD possesses anti-emetic properties.

For treatment of nausea, anticonvulsant properties for suppressing seizures, antipsychotic properties for combatting psychosis and anti-inflammatory properties for treating inflammation.

Number of studies were done where they actually gave patients an overdose of THC to see what would happen when they then added CBD. And CBD completely turned around the negative effects of an overdose of THC without changing the levels of THC in the blood.

So that means that CBD exerts its own medicinal properties, just doesn’t reverse THC it actually has its own medicinal properties.

Anti-Cancer & biphasic sleep properties

CBD has been found to cause cancer cells to what we call commit suicide, while preserving the normal cells. And what appears to happen is it appears to bind to the receptors on the cancer cells which then induce the cancer cell to kill itself.

Cannabidiol has also been found to be what we call biphasic in terms of sleep. So at low doses it’s what we call alerting, it kind of keeps you awake.

At higher doses it can be very sedating and cause you to sleep. But what’s nice about that is you can control whether or not you are alert or you feeling tired.

Epilepsy and mental illness

CBD helped achieve great results in the case of epileptic disorders. CBD is a cannabinoid that significantly reduced the frequency of epileptic seizures, both in the case of children and adults, promoting the health of brain cells and reducing their damage due to the disease.

It can also help a lot in the case of schizophrenia and other psychosis, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. And it showed positive results in alleviating anxiety symptoms, reducing stress and helping patients reach a more balanced state of mind.

It also has anti-oxidant properties for treatment of nerve related conditions. Anti-tumoral and anti-cancer properties to combat tumor and cancer cells. And anxiolytic and anti-depressant properties to fight anxiety and depression.

Neurons, nerves & brain cells

Now there have been a number of studies that have looked at cannabidiol. CBD exerting a protective property to damage neurons. And it appears that in the studies CBD protects the nerves by inhibiting the process by which nerves are damaged.

CBD has also been shown to protect against brain injury. When patients or lab animals have had a brain injury CBD appears to protect the brain from damage that occurred to the nerve cells.

The studies have shown that it can actually fight MRSA, which is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a notorious bug that is resistant to a number of antibiotics. A topical application of cannabis was able to fight the infection and the MRSA was eradicated from that infection site.

For what CBD is used

What is CBD used for: A list of known uses of CBD


Antibiotic-resistant infections



Reduces Risk of Artery Blockage


Reduces Blood Sugar Levels


Chronic pain




Epileptic Seizures


Helps the Immune System

Hepatitis C


Increases efficacy of the immune system


Inflammation and Autoimmunity

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inhibits Cell Growth in Tumors/Cancer Cells


Kills or Slows Bacterial Growth

Liver Diseases

Lowers Incidence of Diabetes

Effective for Treating Substance Use Disorders

Help with Quitting Smoking

Reduces nervous system degeneration

Promote Heart Health

Protect From Mad Cow Disease

May Protect From Neurodegenerative Diseases

Provide Treatment for Acne

May Relieve Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Pain relief

Promotes bone growth

Promotes brain tissue growth in alcoholism

Protects Against Nervous System Degeneration



Reduce seizures and convulsions

Reduces nicotine cravings

Reducing contractions in small intestine

Rheumatoid arthritis

Schizophrenia & Psychosis

Suppresses muscle spasms

Treats fungal infection

Vascular and muscle relaxing

Vomiting and Nausea

We will expand the list as new information becomes available.

FLORIDA Residents

Medical Marijuana

Card Application Info


For More Info Contact:

Nelcia Salmon

Weight & Wellness Inc

Natural Herbs & Alternative Medicines

6244 West Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33313

954-861-7272 or 954-530-5363

References – Published by:

The Hemp Oil Benefits

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