DIGESTIVE RELIEF: All-natural anti-emetics

Digestive problems tend to plague even the fittest and cleanest eaters among us. Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are possibly the most common symptoms we can expect to see every couple of weeks or every month. The human body is a wonderful mechanism, but it happens to be as faulty as any other. However, while there is a plethora of pharmacological substances to help us cope, earth already provides almost everything we need to keep our metabolism running smoothly, and this article will cover some of the simple top anti-emetics to care for a disturbed gastrointestinal tract.
Nausea can come coupled with paleness, sweating, clammy skin, increased heart rate and shivering, among most symptoms. Usually, the act of vomiting can have a direct sensation of relief for the person as the body has expelled whatever it is it was unable to deal with. Vomiting is a traumatizing experience to the mind and body altogether, no matter how frequently it happens to us. While nausea is the body’s defense mechanism against toxins, poisons, bacteria and can be triggered in anxious situations, preventing it would be ideal and can achieve the same effect of relief as the action itself.
These are the top 4 clinically proven substances which are good to fight nausea and other various digestive issues simultaneously, from mild to severe cases.

Ginger: The most popular natural anti-emetic there is, ginger has a powerful taste and smell, is rather appealing to the senses and works wonders on an irritated GI tract. Used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and clinically proven to work, raw ginger root can be peeled, cleaned and brewed over a stovetop within minutes and drank in pure tea form or combined with other herbs to stem the nausea any time of the day.

Peppermint: Aromatic and delightful to indulge in, peppermint tea or oil is an excellent antispasmodic and anti-emetic, working directly on the GI tract and stomach and stimulating relaxation psychologically as well as physiologically. Peppermint can be ingested as a tea, inhaled through a warm bath or even applied to acupressure points.

Lemon: While it may be deemed an old-wives tale, lemon truly does combat nausea, both in raw form and via essential oil. A popular study had pregnant women inhale lemon essential oil upon their regular course of nausea and the results were marvelously positive. I personally found that eating a lemon slice or even drinking lemon water can stop nausea in its tracks. The strong acidic nature of lemon and lemon juice comes equipped with physiologically important healing benefits in almost all branches of health.

Cinnamon: A spice known to trigger fantasies and entice the blandest of foods and beverages, cinnamon has been known to fight nausea in cases as extreme as chemo-induced nausea post treatments. Like peppermint, cinnamon contains antispasmodic properties which help soothe the GI tract and stomach and prevent nausea from taking over. Cinnamon sticks can be brewed in hot water or steeped with other forms of tea or fluids to relieve digestive issues.