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Working Out With HIIT

Many people want to lose weight. They try all the fad diets and eat as many vitamins as they can get their hands on. They metamorphose into elliptical machine using/vitamin eating cookie monsters. These two mechanisms are healthy and effective. Over the past two years, however, there has been a new energy releasing, sweat inducing fad that has been on the rise. This fad is called HIIT. HIIT stands for ‘high intensity interval training.’

The exercise workout involves exercising intensely for 30 seconds to a minute and then resting for 10-30 seconds. It keeps one’s heart rate running steadily like a gerbil on a treadmill and burns fat quickly. “A high-intensity workout increases the body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage, causing one’s body to ask for more oxygen during recovery,” says Eric Salvador, NASM, NSCA, head instructor at The Fitting Room in New York City ( The body needing more oxygen is called the ‘afterburn effect.’

“Several studies suggest there's a strong correlation between the number of calories burned post exercise and the activity’s intensity. Simply put: The more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward” ( The cardiovascular system is required to work harder to gain its oxygen back. This results in burning more calories and fat. After the workout is over, the body actually works 16-24 hours to replenish its oxygen. This results in more calories burned if the exerciser were to do a less extreme workout for the same amount of time.

The main ingredient for this exercise to be effective is for the practitioner to work out vigorously. 70-85 percent of a person’s maximum heart rate is the ideal exercise rate. In addition, if the exerciser chooses to eat unhealthily afterwards with fatty or starchy foods, it will not be a big problem. “After intense exercise, skeletal muscle is low on glycogen. says Jason Edmonds, a biologist and Greatest expert. "Glycogen is what muscles use as fuel during exertion. Consequently, a sugary or starchy treat is more likely to be used to restore that glycogen deposit, instead of being stored as fat” (

Extreme exercise allows the body to keep burning calories hours after the workout is through. The exerciser will also lose weight at a quicker rate, develop muscle faster, and gain aerobic activity. Many people also feel that one shouldn’t partake in HIIT more than three times per week. This is true if the exercisers are engaging in 70-85% of their maximum heart rate. However, if the exercisers use only 50-65% of their maximum heart rate while doing HIIT, then exercising more than three times per week is ok. So people should go to their nearest gym and engage in a HIIT workout. Their body will appreciate it.


[if !supportLists]1) [endif]Amy Schlinger, The Do-It-Anywhere-HIIT Workout You Need To Try. March 24, 2017 Daily Burn.

David Tao. How To Keep Burning Calories When Your Workout is Over. January 18, 2016.

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