Apple cider vinegar is a cheap and simple solution to a plethora of basic household predicaments. Consisting of fermented apple juice, which gives it its sour taste and fresh odor, apple cider vinegar, in correct doses, can prevent disease, aid in weight loss and balance the body’s pH. However, high doses can affect the breakdown of tooth enamel and the wearing down of the outer lining of the esophagus, so most doctors will recommend taking it with other liquids, such as water or tea. Personally, I make a tasty, steamy concoction with hot water, lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar and ginger root. These immune-system boosting ingredients fight colds and viruses, but drinking them daily can prevent bacteria or sickness before it appears.
Gargling apple cider vinegar or taking a few tablespoons a day in hot water can quickly clear up a cold or throat infection due to the acetic acid created in apple cider vinegar during fermentation—the acid which kills bad bacteria. Acetic acid makes it possible for the body to better absorb minerals and other nutrients, most importantly the minerals from leafy vegetables. Due to its digestive aid, apple cider vinegar significantly helps in weight loss and appetite suppression, because, when the body properly digests food, a person experiences more satisfaction after eating.
Apple cider vinegar can be rubbed directly on skin or, more effectively, can be poured into bath water to use for detoxification purposes. Apple cider vinegar baths instantly relieve burns, itchiness, and/or stings. Last summer when I went to Hawaii I got absolutely fried two days into our vacation. My grandmother soaked me head to toe in apple cider vinegar, which instantly relieved my burning skin. Within 24 hours I was back outside—this time after generously applying sunscreen to my fair skin.
Many people also use apple cider vinegar as a prevention from diseases like diabetes and cancer. Taking apple cider vinegar before a meal can decrease the amount of glucose, resulting in satisfaction after eating and reduced insulin spikes for diabetics. Also, some studies have proven that apple cider vinegar can slow down or prevent the growth of cancer cells. Although apple cider vinegar is technically an acidic food, it nevertheless balances a body’s pH to a healthy level—so much so, that it is even an excellent alternative for acid reflux.
Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful addition to the cleaning supplies cabinet in a home, great for wiping down surfaces or getting rid of a household odor. It kills germs and bacteria and can leave a house smelling fresh and cleanly. It removes mildew and stains and can even fix a clogged drain. Some people use it to freshen their clothes by adding a bit of apple cider vinegar to their load of laundry or to even clean out their washing machines. It not only removes mold, but removes the horrible odor that mold and mildew leave behind.
Although there have been thousands of claims to promote the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar, there surprisingly has not been enough scientific research to back up these claims—maybe because it’s such an inexpensive and easy way to stay healthy and lose weight. Instead of spending boat loads of money every year on doctor’s visits or medication, there might be a natural solution to disease prevention but also to smaller problems like a little bee sting.