Dry Brushing For Your Best Beach Body Yet!

For some, the idea of running a brush along your entire body daily may seem a bit peculiar, but this one ritual has been shown to produce incredible healing benefits including increased circulation and energy, decreased bloating and inflammation, and overall improved nervous system functioning. While health and wellness experts seem to bombard the media on what to eat and how to eat it to achieve glowing skin and high energy, more and more are beginning to turn to the skin for answers. The skin is the body’s largest organ and receives a third of all the blood that circulates throughout our bodies, yet many Americans do not know how to properly care for or stimulate it. One of the best ways along with moisturizing, protecting it from the sun, and eliminating toxins from beauty products, is dry brushing. This is because the motion of dry brushing directly stimulates the lymphatic drainage process.
Your lymphatic system is the body's system solely in charge of eliminating waste, excess fluid, bacteria, and toxins. By brushing your skin and paying close attention to areas where lymph nodes are located such as, your neck, armpits, groin, and the back of your knees, you are stimulating this process and aiding in the detoxifying process. Dry brushing also works wonders externally, as is it has been shown to dramatically soften skin by removing dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of cellulite (poor circulation is the culprit of cellulite), and prevent those dreaded ingrown hairs.
While there are currently no medical journals supporting the many benefits of dry brushing- doctors, celebrities, and spas everywhere are raving over the results. Here are the simple tips and tricks you need to know in order to be on your way to healing your skin from the inside, out!
Purchase a firm brush that is made of 100% natural bristles- steer clear of the synthetic ones! Remember, you do not need to break the bank to get great results. You can find many for $20 or less online or at your local health food store.
Brush in long, light strokes starting at the feet and working your way toward the heart. It is important to always brush toward the heart because that is where the lymphatic system flows and drains.
Consistency is key! Start off with spending just three to ten minutes per day (twice a day if you want quicker results.) It is recommended to brushbefore you shower so that you ensure your skin is dry. It is crucial to brush every day for at least one month to see the results. If you stay on track, I can assure you that the softness of your skin combined with the little boost of energy and calmness you feel after engaging in this ritual will quickly leave you addicted. Like any beauty or fitness routine, the more consistent you are, the more benefits you will reap.