Why I Chose the Homeopathic Way

Written By Charlotte Flowers-Weston
My first encounter with holistic health practices was in 1988 after being involved in a near fatal accident. I was side swiped nearly head-on by a drunk driver on the weekend of Memorial Day. My forehead hit the rearview mirror and the impact to the small Toyota I was driving from the brand new Camaro the inebriated driver was driving was devastating to both the car and my small-framed body. I received numerous fractures to my body including a hairline fracture to my spine and concussion and whiplash just to name a few.
I had already had a history of headaches ever since I was a very young girl. Yet, each time I was tested for tumors or aneurisms thankfully each test was always negative for either. However, after the car accident the headaches changed centering on one area of my head alone, the top right side frontal area. There were times I did not think I would live the pain was so severe. It was then that a close friend introduced me to the practice of Polarity. When I would get a headache, she would come over to my house and perform this therapy technique on my head focusing on the area of pain. Each time she did, I got a hundred percent results.
Ten years after my car accident I, was diagnosed with Spondylosis, a debilitating bone condition, which doctors assured me was the result of the 1988 car accident. My condition deteriorated fast, and within a few months, I had to stop working and my mother had to care for me. She gave me natural fresh fruits and salads until I was strong enough to eat other healthy foods.
After one year of suffering from chronic pain, I began to feel better and relocated to California where I acquired new doctors. One of them was a Pain Management Doctor. Without properly informing me of the drug he was about to prescribe to me, he simply wrote it out and had me sign papers not to stop taking the medication. I signed the documents unaware of what I was doing because I had become so ill. A pain management doctor prescribed the drug, Fentanyl in the form of a patch, and for a solid year, I wore the patches never realizing my body had become solely dependent on the drug to keep me pain free.
Once I researched the drug and found out what it was and could do to my body, I refused to put another patch on my body. As a result, I became very ill, nearly dying. Ten days later, I found myself in the emergency room of the hospital. The attending physician informed me that I experienced withdrawal symptoms from taking myself off the highly dangerous narcotic that could have developed into a stroke, heart attack, or even death.
I began looking for other ways to combat my pain. Moreover, it was then that I consulted with various health, and wellness professionals.
I tried several detox remedies, however, many of them made me sick. The one natural detox remedy I found helpful then and still today is the Organic Branson Apple Cider Vinegar.
I began researching homeopathic ways to rid my body of the chronic pain I was feeling for so many years.
After having my fifth or more MRI, I learned that my chronic pain was from inflammation throughout my body. I began researching different homeopaths that I could take to combat the pain. I tested several, until I found the right homeopath. I started a new regime of taking the homeopaths and in 90 days my pain was almost completely gone.
I continue to use the same homeopathic remedies, including CuraMed, Arnica Montana, Hypericum Perforatum, Arsenicum Album, Ruta Graveolens, and a few others. Taking the homeopathies everyday, along with healthy eating and drinking half my weight in alkaline water has changed my quality of life. I can now do most of the same activities I did before I became ill, like working out.
Now that I no longer have the inflammation throughout my body, I no longer need prescription drugs to function and I feel more energized each day. I can truly say I feel confident that using homeopathic remedies changed my life and I no longer worry if I will live a longer healthy and fulfilling life. I am sure of it.
For more info or product information please contact:
Nelcia Salmon at 954-530-5363
Weight & Wellness Inc - Natural Herbs & Alternative Medicines
6360 West Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33313
Photo By: Jacob DeNomie