Do You Know The Myths of Pet Health & Care!

Do You Know The Myths
of Pet Health & Care!
You would think that today, in our high tech world we
would find it easy to acquire accurate and solid information
for our pet’s health and welfare. The internet allows us
almost instant access to what we believe is cutting edge,
accurate, up-to-date information. The reality is that finding
the truth can be more difficult.
There are numerous sources, many
of which are based on opinion.
They are designed to specifically
to sell products and concept, not
the facts. When you are searching
for answers concerning your pets’
health and well-being, do you want
an opinion or real answers based
on truthful facts?
We are going to dispel a few of the
most basic myths which have a
profound effect on your pets’ health
and well-being. Once you know
these facts, you will be armed with
the knowledge to ask the proper
questions of those providing care
and advice for your pet.
Myth #1 Dogs and cats have
evolved and are now omnivores…
This is absolutely false. According
to taxonomists, the specific
scientists that study and classify
biological life, dogs and cats are
indeed carnivores. While being
domesticated and having adapted
to our lives, they definitely have not
evolved into being processed kibble
feeders. This notion is pushed on us as a false marketing
concept by manufacturers and pet food dealers selling low
quality, high profit foods that are unfit as a diet for most
forms of life.
Myth #2 Real, fresh, unprocessed foods are dangerous to
both ourselves and our pets…To believe this, one must first
ask how life itself existed prior to pasteurization. The truth
is that every creature on the planet eats raw foods except
man. Only man and those animals that were fed processed
diets suffer from the ever growing list of new diseases
and health challenges. This concept is encouraged, with
the help of several political government agencies, to allow
the use of dangerous, low quality and contaminated foods
into the food chain. It also allows for the addition of toxic
additives to extend shelf life and appearance of perishable
products. Nature has created everything we need in a
natural form.
Myth #3 Regular medical care, treatments and vaccines
are required…
While regular evaluations from health specialists are
beneficial for you and your pets’ well-being, treating with
toxic and dangerous drugs and vaccines must be weighed
against the risks they pose. The majority of our worldwide
pet population is not following our regimen of “annuals”
resulting in fewer health challenges and greater longevity.
The problem is that we confuse medical care with health.
Medicine today, unfortunately is mostly profit motivated.
Myth #4 Only a professional can guide your health
decisions…Humans and pets are born with an innate ability
to survive and thrive. This natural instinct is evident on a
daily, moment-to-moment basis. We realize not to jump
off a cliff because we’ve learned even a small fall hurts.
Our pets sense things such as changes
in weather and danger. We also have
that ability to sense when something
is wrong with our pets. Since eightyfive
percent of all health challenges
are related to diets, changing their
diets should be paramount.
While this list only focuses on a
few of the myths, logical factual
information will put YOU in charge
of your pets’ health and care. This
approach is applicable to ourselves as
well. Remember, health is paramount
to a great life and that’s the way we
see it!
Bill Piechocki, nutritionist and Dr Diane
Sudduth, DVM are partners in Fiesta Pet
Deli in Pompano Beach, FL, and co-hosts
of the radio show. Our
40 years in the animal field has provided us
unparallel vision and information which
we pass to our clients on a daily basis. We
can be reached at www.PetHealthCafe.
com or 800-940-7387.