How To Make Your Own Homemade Pain Relieving Cream

This is a great formula we just discovered for a homemade pain relieving cream. It uses coconut oil and beeswax as the base, and essential oils plus camphor and menthol as the active components. What’s interesting is that Jillee, the creator of this formula, has a son who has constant pain due to spinal trouble and so she really has had the chance to put the cream to the test.
One tip we would definitely suggest is to read the comments on the original article. A good comment section such as this one becomes a kind of “living report”: Whenever I want to find out whether something really works, I just check the comments. People will have no qualms about calling something out if they don’t think it’s any good! Comment and review sections are one of the most democratic, honest things we have in my opinion. Anyway I digress… in Jillee’s comments there are numerous other useful suggestions for pain relieving herbs and essential oils in there. Several people are suggesting clove oil.
For more info or product information please contact:
Nelcia Salmon at 954-530-5363
Weight & Wellness Inc - Natural Herbs & Alternative Medicines
6360 West Oakland Park Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33313